The containers are certified by 1) ONU mark from the Italian Minister of Transportation 2) Permanent commission for the testing of the War Equipment - classified O.N.U. 1.4.S. for military use.
Vas 11 for 600 gr Explosive deflagrant
VAS/11 (weight80 kg, 600 grams of explosive deflagrant) Is a special patented titanium container light and easy to handling Container for the transport of 600 grams of explosive deflagrant
Vas 3/bis for 12 detonators
Ballistical testing
Vas 3/bis for 12 detonators
Thermal shock
Testing on electromagnetic induction
The tests have been carried out according to the rules established by STANAG 1397 RAD ed.1. After the test the containers have been assigned code SRAD: R6-T6-U6-W6-Y6-Z4 and classified NATO "SAFE"